One of my worst nightmares happened on the news set. First off, you should know that I have this weird trait. Spiders seem to follow me wherever I go. When I was a kid, a spider jumped on my face while I was watching a horror movie about giant spiders that attack people, I swore up and down that it came from the TV. When I was a little older, I went to see a movie at the theater and a spider came all the way from the tall ceiling and decided to slide down its web in front of my face and land right in my popcorn. Just last week, a giant wolf spider was lurking in my bedroom, waiting for me to come home and then pounce. Our reporter Tim Johnston had to come kill it for me. I got a package in the mail the other day. What was underneath? You guessed it… a tiny death machine with 8 legs. So you can imagine how I reacted when I was doing the news, and a spider dropped down attached to a web from the ceiling of the KRBC studio… during the beginning of the show no less. We are reading these serious stories, and an arachnid is preying on me like an insect stuck in its web. I was of course terrified, but what made me lose it was the look on Randy's face. He stared down the spider like a hunter on the prowl. So what does he do? He immediately smacks it with his script, but in my direction! So the whole first part of the newscast, I just KNOW, that the spider is crawling all over me. Luckily, during the commercial break, Randy stepped on the spider, getting rid of my arachnophobia at least for a little while...until I get home and have to leave all the lights on! Anybody have a cure for a spider curse?
View this link to see the spider drop from the ceiling!
ahh, the poor guy was just out hunting food for his family. Now they sit and wait for his return not knowing he met his fait.
ReplyDeleteJust associate them as God's creatures. They do serve a purpose and the last interest they have is to do you harm. Over all the years, has one actually ever physcially harmed you? We are more of a threat to them than they to us.
haha Stephanie! I don't blame you...I feel the same way. I can handle most spiders though- but I've had to have many guys friends come over really late at night to save me from a cockroach! lol