Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My New Life

I just got home from my Lasik procedure. What an incredible experience! I was a little nervous going in, but the people at the Abilene Eye Institute were great. The whole procedure, from being in the chair until I walked out of the office, was only about a half-hour. They fixed my vision problems that I have had since I was a child in 30 minutes! The actual process of correcting my vision was only 10 minutes per eye. It was quick, virtually painless, and an amazing experience. I am so happy and I can't describe how great it is to have a new "vision" on life.


  1. I would have been so nervous. How did it feel having your eye stretched open like that?!

  2. I actually din't feel anything. I didn't know that they were doing that until after I watched the suergey later. If I would have known, I would have been really nervous! The only thing that you feel is pressure through the entire precedure.
