Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Go Red Team!

Aspermont couple Lance and Melissa Morgan survive week three of The Biggest Loser, but not without a little controversy! Lance lost twelve pounds while Melissa only lost one! This lead trainer Jillian to believe that she was throwing the weigh in! Whether she did or not...we still get to show support for the local couple for another week, as they move on to week number four. Good Luck!!

Now if you want to become your own biggest loser here locally Gold's Gym is holding their own version. The twelve week challenge is open to people who want to transform their bodies and take advantage of the gym's facilities and programs. Gold's will have weigh-ins the next two saturday mornings. There is a fifty dollar sign-up fee, but one local winner could walk away with two thousand dollars in prizes! For more information call 325-695-8900.

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