I want to use "The Scoop" this week to send a quick thank you to all the parents of Abilene. I was very impressed with the turn out at Boo at the Zoo. Now by turn out I don't mean how many people were there (there were a ton, which was great!), I mean the costumes that I saw. Now it is certainly possible that a child can come with the idea to turn themselves into Mac N' Cheese, and then create a masterpiece of a costume by combining a yellow jumpsuit with giant noodles that stick to them. But my gut tells me that great parents were behind the fabulous costumes at Boo at the Zoo. Not to mention, the kids were so well behaved! On paper, the idea of handing out candy to kids at about 2 dozen locations among wild animals seems not only insane, but dangerous as well. But it was so much fun to see all the smiling faces, and watch the kids just let loose and have a great time. Boo at the Zoo is a great idea. It's safe, it's clean, it's really well run, and I know for a fact that all the people who volunteer their time to help with the event get much more in return than what they give. So thanks for making it another great year at the Zoo, and thanks to the parents for making it happen.

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